As a mom with twins you hear many many things. I've heard things like "Do they have the same dad?" to "Since you have two I can have one right?" If you are expecting twins get ready to hear some weird shit...even if you're not expecting twins get ready to hear crazy shit.

People always have something to say in regards to your child, with twins however it's a little more invasive. You will always hear you get two for the price of one, NO! That is not how it is even a little....two for the price of TWO! They do not share anything once they are old enough to scream for their own. They do not like the same things...get over it, they're two people. One will like red and the other yellow do not try to make them both like one color or superhero or princess they will fight and honestly it's not worth the fight. They will not want to sleep together forever they need to be able to have their own space. Another misconception is they'll be each other's best friend! That's a fantastic idea however let me tell you they will know how to be the other's worst enemy. They know just how to piss the other one off to the extreme with minimal effort. Don't get me wrong they will be close and be friends and play together but they will fight just like any other sibling maybe even more so. Back to the comments, you will be asked their genders no matter if they are in blue and green or pink and purple. You will be told about anyone that they know that has twins. Even if you don't care that their best friends great niece had fraternal twins from IVF and had a c-section, you will hear about it. People will say it gets easier when they start walking....nope they don't go the same different directions. You will hear how one is cuter than the other or asked which one is the good one or who is your favorite. If you have ever asked anyone these apologize! It's strait up offensive and annoying! Especially if they say I love them both and they each have their days do not keep pressing for an answer! You will be asked who was born first, their names, how big they were and how far along you made it. These will be asked every time you venture out with the babies or toddlers. People say dumb crap when they see something cool...lets face it twins are cool but they are by no means easy! I guess I'll end this informative rant here and pickup on another day.
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