We have been in this potty training thing for quite some time now and I must say it is not easy!! You might think them watching each other may help but no it doesn't. There are two butts to wipe, double the dirty underwear, and double the wet laundry to do. Now you might be thinking oh great this is going to suck and take forever and there's nothing I can do to make it better. WRONG! We started by getting the boys used to the potty, so in the evening we had them sit on the potty before bath and just before bed. Now they didn't go but they sat on it and were not afraid of it. Also after having them go occasionally before bath and before bed we slowly started naked time. This worked best in the morning so that they weren't too tired to pay attention. Also about every half hour or so I would have them try to go potty. I made a big deal about going in the potty and being such a big boy and it definitely helps having 2 toilets for them as they both have to go at the exact same time ALL the time!! At first we offered a jelly bean for peeing in the potty and part of a rice chocolate bar for #2. Now they get high 5's and a sucker if they go. Finally, after 7 months ,I know forever, we had our first day accident free!!! They do the best if we are out and about rather than at home playing outside. Potty training twins can seem like you are getting no where because accidents happen especially because there are two different kids so you are always busy with one.
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