Friday, April 18, 2014

Tattoos....touchy I know!

do you think tattoos matter to them?
    I've heard many things about my tattoos from many people. To be honest, Most of what I hear is negative I have nine tattoos and have many more planned. My children adore each one they think they are the coolest things. However there's one thing that needs to be addressed, parenting. I don't care if you chose to formula feed or breast feed, if you spank or do time out. Those are your choices and no one else's. I'm talking about the stigma that tattooed parents aren't good's a load of shit. If I have 200 tattoos or if I had zero tattoos I would still parent my children the very best I could! I have literally been told "By you having tattoos you are a horrible parent and a sinner." Now as for the sinner part, you can believe what you want religiously that's your business but I refuse to let people be so ignorant as to think my tattoos change how I parent my kids. If anything, they show my kiddos not to judge based on appearances. We have a friend who is covered in tattoos looks like he'd be a mean guy and not care at all. WRONG! He has a heart of gold no matter what is on his skin, this applies to other people as well. There are bad people with tattoos yes, are there bad people without tattoos? Yes. There are also good people with tattoos and without them. Skin is just skin!! Well that's my rant for today. Enjoy your weekend!! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

So This Happened.

Have you ever known your kiddo was a smart one and then got pleasantly surprised at what they know and then felt like a crap mom for not knowing? Well it happened today. Our boys adore reading all types of spider books with their Papa, we never really thought that much into it. The boys were in the backyard playing and found a little spider and caught it. E was carrying it all around calling it his "new friend", I was telling him to put him back. A came up and told me "Oh momma, it's just a wolf spider he won't hurt ya." My brother in law was over and thought no way is he right, so he "googled it".....My three year old was right. I was just over here like "holy crap when did you learn that?" I spend all day everyday with them and I had no idea that they knew species of spiders! I feel proud but also like I dropped the ball with that.
      On another note, today E came up and got about two inches away from my face, He proceeded to look very closely at my face. After a while he asked "Momma are you OLD?" I was shocked and replied, " Uhh, no baby I'm 20." his response, "your eyes look old......" "Thanks bud." After he realized maybe mom isn't old, He shouts from the bathroom "Mom am I OLD?!" This has basically summed up my day with the hooligan boys. Little miss today has been babbling about Dada and trying out a sippy cup. She loves it by the way.